Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Egyptians Rally To Help Libyans

Egyptians are all watching the events unfolding in Libya with great anticipation. The stories leaking out from the country appear to point to a massacre being carried out at the hand of Libyan leader Gaddafi. The complete media black-out means that any reporters giving us updates are either in Cairo, or along the border. Libyans themselves are managing to leak out a few videos, but with so much hearsay, rumours, and alleged massacres, the truth is hard to discern.

This must have been the general feeling for the outside world when our connections in Egypt were shut off. An inability to get real-time details on what was going on at ground level. What is becoming increasingly more evident however, is that Gaddafi has no intention of lessening his grip over his country, and will not hesitate to authorise lethal and excessive force.

In what is rapidly becoming a new youth movement within Egypt, people are rallying to bring supplies directly to the border with Libya. Calls for doctors, donations, medical supplies, and those willing to drive are organizing their movements presently. There is obviously great pressure to arrange everything as soon as possible; Libyans and those fleeing the violence do not have days to hang around and wait.

I have a few friends who plan to head to the border. Their willingness to throw everything down and rush to the aid of people who are fighting for their freedom is inspiring. I will be getting updates throughout the week on what they are witnessing at the moment. In the meantime, here's what one of the groups on Facebook are calling out for. (See page here) Scroll down for English and French. For security purposes, I have removed the contact information. Should you want to contribute, please message me and I will provide you with further details.

سلام عليكم يا شباب

طبعا كلنا عارفين الوضع في ليبيا اليومين دول، وازاي الحالة بايظة هناك..علشان كده انا ومجموعة من اصحابي هانروح انشاء الله يوم الخميس اللي جاي الصبح علي الحدود..هانشتري كمية دوا كبيرة انشاء الله وهانحاول نوصل الدوا ده لليبيا باي حال من الاحوال..

لو ماقدرناش ندخل الدوا هانحاول نكون هناك علشان نساعد علي قد مانقدر..

تخيلوا ان فيه مليون ونص مصري هايكونوا راجعين من هناك..فاكيد المستشفيتين بتوع الجيش مش هايكفوا..واي مساعده ممكنة هاتكون مطلوبة انشاء الله..

احنا محتاجين ايه:

1-      اطباء من مختلف التخصصات يكونوا مستعدين يكونوا معانا لمدة علي الاقل يومين.

2-      ممرضين علي استعداد للمشاركة لمدة يومين

3-      كميات مختلفة من الادوية (مرفق انواع الادوية المطلوبة)

4-      مساعدات مادية لشراء الادوية والمستلزمات خاصة وسائل الاتصال لطمئنة اسر العائدين او الليبين الموجودين علي الحدود.

5-      ناس تساعدنا في جمع الاموال خلال المظاهرة المليونية غدا انشاء الله...


Greetings friends,

We are all aware of the situation in Libya and how difficult it is right now. So a group of friends and I are heading to the border this Thursday morning. We will purchase a large amount of medical supplies and hopefully be able to send it to Libya. In any case, if we are unable to do so we will remain at the border to try and help as much as we can.

1.5 million Egyptians will be making their way to the border, so I am sure you can appreciate that the two field hospitals set up by the army will not be enough to treat the injured. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. We will be needing the following:

1- Doctors of different specialties willing to stay with us for at least 2 days;

2- Nurses prepared to participate for 2 days; 3- Different types of medicine (list attached);

3- Financial assistance to buy medicine, basic food and water, supplies and communication devices to communicate with the families of Egyptians returnees or Libyans at the border;

4- Volunteers to help with collecting donations during tomorrows march in Tahrir.

Thank you

Salut tout le monde,

Bien-sur on connait tous la situation en

Libye et c'est pour cela que je vais aller avec un groupe d' amis jeudi

matin a la frontière. On va acheter une grande quantité de médicament

et on va essayer par tout moyen de les faire passer au Libye.

Au cas ou on ne pourra pas faire passer les médicaments, on va essayer d’être présent pour aider le mieux possible.


qu'il y aurait 1.5 milions d’égyptiens qui rentrent a travers la

frontière, et certainement les 2 hôpitaux de l’armée ne seront pas

suffisants, donc n'importe quelle aide est demandée.

Ce que dont on a besoin:

1- Des docteurs dans toutes les spécialités qui seront prêts a être présents pour au moins deux jours.

2- Des infirmiers prêts a participer pour au moins deux jours.

3- Des différents types de médicaments (une liste des types de médicaments demandés est attachée).

4-  Des aides financières afin d'acheter les médicaments et les outils nécessaire, surtout des moyens de ommunication pour rassurer les familles des égyptiens qui retournent ou des libyens présents sur la frontière.    

5- Des gens pour nous aider a collecter de l'argent durant la manifestation de demain (mardi)

Supplies being requested are: 

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