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Orkut Papa |
Have you ever wondered if you have a negative vibe and people just aren't telling you?
Well, here's a little test to see if you radiate negativity.
If you think you might have a negative vibe...you probably do.
You can understand that nobody wants to tell you. It's not like most people to walk up to someone and say, "Whoa, your vibe is negative. I'm getting away from you."
People will tell you in subtle ways. They'll leave a conversation that you're having. They won't want to spend time with you when you offer. They won't join you for lunch or take your phone call. Is most of your communication through email with the people you consider your closest friends? They might be trying to tell you something.
Have you ever had this experience?
Recently at the grocery store, I bumped into a woman that I know from the YMCA. As we're speaking, I'm noting how tired I feel all of a sudden! How could I be tired so quickly in our conversation? Because she began our talk with all that wrong in her life. To put it boldly, this person was a drain. She was a very nice lady, just her negative mindset was draining.
Why was it draining?
Because I had allowed my vibration to match hers! Unfortunately we can all see why her results are what they are. We can understand why she has so many things going wrong in her life...because that is what she focuses on! If she's telling me in the grocery store, you know that's she having this conversation multiple times throughout her day with others, not to mention the internal conversation she's having. When I asked if she'd be open to some feedback, she said, she would, but when I pointed out what I just pointed out here, she went into defense mode.
We all know what defense mode is...it's where we'll stick with our opinion and close down all other options. Hey, believe me, I've been there and continue to monitor my own defense mode.
Did this woman have a negative vibe?
Sure, she did.
As with all interactions, we are often reminded to take a closer look within.
What Is Vibration?
Vibration is the feeling you get around others. You've felt it lots of times. If you have a dog, you know that even before you open the door for a walk, the dog just "knows." If you've ever been over to your sister's house and her husband walks in and you can tell that they've had a fight, without your sister saying a word to you...that's vibration. It's that energy.
You're wanting your best life, yet it seems that whatever you desire never manifests in reality. You visualize, you meditate, you affirm...yet, nothing!
Well, if you're doing all the right things why are you not creating what you want?
Because your negative vibe diluted your positive vibration of desire.
Yes, get this. Every time you fear, doubt or worry about achieving your desires, you've repelled them to you.
You understand that the Law of Attraction says that whatever you focus your energy and attention on, you'll attract more of the same whether it's wanted or unwanted.
So, just when you've identified what you want and are excited about creating it, you allow that little voice in your head to be heard. "You've never made that amount of money." "Our family history has too poor of health for that." "I'm too old, (too young, too poor, too heavy, etc...) to do that."
It's the fear and doubt that are pushing your desires away. You must learn to:
Talk about what you want
Let go of fear, doubt and worry
Live on purpose with passion
How Do We Raise Our Vibration
1. Fill Your Mind With the Good Stuff. Start ridding yourself of your junk. Watching CNN is not going to raise your vibrationally level. Watch TV and movies that make you feel good. Read empowering books. Don't know any? Go to the library and ask! There's so many great authors out there...Andy Andrews, Jerry and Esther Hicks, T. Harv Eker. Right now, I'm re-reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
2. Know Where You're Going. Do you have vision for yourself? Do you know that if you don't know where you're going, it will be really tough to get there? Have a plan/goal in place for yourself. Not sure how to set a goal? You can find out more HERE.
3. Give Generously. It's truly a gift to give of yourself to others. Your financial assistance can benefit other charities, your time can give to your community, your smile can lift someones day, your thoughtful words can empower others. People are waiting on you. A few days ago, I went to the library and read, The Giving Tree to some of the young patrons. Did I have other things that I could have been doing? Absolutely. Was there anything more important to me in that moment. No. Because I understand that giving of myself is not only good for them, it's good for me!
4. Connect to Your Source. Quiet meditation is one of the greatest things you can participate in with aligning with your light and love source. Take some deep breaths. Take on the mantra, "All is well."
5. Exercise! We all know moving our bodies makes us feel vibrant and joyful. Get up and move your body. I love starting my day this way! For me, everything is aligned if I start my day with exercise. I eat better, I'm more relaxed, I'm more confident etc...
I know there's lots of other ways to raise your vibration. What works for you?
I'll look forward to hearing from you!
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